Saturday, May 17, 2008

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Monday, December 17, 2007

You Tube

We Have Created an Account ON YOUTUBE

I have made some wicked videos & am going to make alot more in the near future so check them out

God Bless

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today i went to church for the first time in a long time

& You know what

God met me there & said "Welcome, this is where you belong"

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Triscuits, Gods Cracker

After just getting off the phone with my girlfriend i was lying on my bed. i had a box of triscuits in my hand, cracked pepper and olive oil triscuits to be precise. I thought to myself and an intriguing image came to mind. I held up a triscuit in the air “this is what you gave me” “this is what you gave me”. “everything I need, you have given me everything I will ever need, help me use it to better the kingdom”.

The trisuits in this really don’t symbolize anything, but if they had to, it would be the bread of life. Our Father has given us everything that we could ever need; the only thing is, is that we don’t know what we need. What we need is to advance His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. I pray that He will give us what we “need” in order to do so.

In Jesus Mighty and Precious name

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Prayer For Help

"Father i pray to you now, i come to you broken, caught up within myself,""devil i speak to you now, you have no right in my life, for i am a child of God & you are nothing but a meer spec. My Father is so much bigger then you, BEGONE out of my life, for you will no longer have control, devil be gone""father i worship you for the life that you have given me, your Spirit that is with me always & your grace, Father come into my life, take over my ship wrecked life boat, consume me, for i am yours, a child of God. I long to live up to your goals for me, i want to spread your Word, The kingdom of God shall rein down. fill me Father, for i am almost empty of you, help me father, i am desperate for you.

In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray, Amen

For My Mom

In english we were asked to Affirm Somones Life as a Journal Entry Assignment, I Chose to do my mom:

Dear Mom:

Through the entire struggle, through everything you were always there. Even though I know you think I don’t care, I really do. Things have happened and certain events may have lead to our separation, but it wasn’t separation of the heart. We will always be joined together as a family, as friends. We both know that you didn’t deserve what happened to you but the events were beyond both of our control, don’t beat yourself up. You deserve so much better and in the events afterward I think you got it. For the first time I actually think you were treated the way you should be and although no one is prefect, life really straightened out.

As for my childhood, it was as good as it could be. You did your best and that’s all anyone could ask. There was no one to help you and lots of eyes looking for every moment to criticize, basically under a microscope. Who I am today is because of your work as a single parent, pretty much. You can take that however you want, but I take it in a good way for I think I have turned out pretty decent. I truly respect you for what you went through in raising me, cuz lets face it , I was a hell child bent on sugar; great times lol. I know you beat yourself up about the events that took place but just remember one thing; love comes in many forms, sometimes miniscule but it is always there. Even when all hope seems lost or love seems gone astray or life seems like an endless spiral of downfalls just remember; always.

Looking back I find a distinct pattern of endless love tied to people that didn’t appreciate. But there was so much love and so much passion. Burning passion to better the lives of your kids and create a home. But you never lost focus, always thinking about us. Some may view this as a downfall and in a way it is. But all moms are like that, they put their children first no matter what; its like a mothers code of sorts.
You carried out everything you did with this passion, in your work, in your prayers, in us. Your driving strength was scripture based at heart, even though I don’t quite think you realized it at the time. I swear you were in the loop with Santa, and then I found out the real truth. Back to point, your passion was like a burden that you carried a good burden though. One that drove you forward and pushed you beyond your limits in all areas; physical and emotional even spiritual.
I guess what I am trying to say mom is that you were amazing; the perfect mom. And I know that by saying that your going to be like “um no” but in all reality you were. You loved us with your everything and put your life into raising us up to be who we are today. So here is to you mom and all you have done, nothing I can do will ever be enough to repay you. But that’s the beauty of it isn’t it, you don’t even want to be repaid. My mom in a nutshell; love always

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hmm ?

This is an interesting view

Check it out & let us know what you think!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pocket Testament League

Chances are, you've got something in your pocket right now. Is it your keys? Your wallet? Small change? Wouldn't it be more exciting if you filled your pocket with the power of God's Word and used it to change someone's life?

For 114 years, members of The Pocket Testament League have made it a goal of their life to read, carry and share the Word of God. They enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that they are effectively sharing their faith and growing in their relationship with God. They're finding that a lifestyle of personal evangelism really is within reach of everyday, ordinary Christians just like you.

Membership is free! We provide you with free Gospels you can give away as gifts in friendly one-on-one encounters as God provides opportunities to share His Word with others. More than 100 million Gospels have been given away by people just like you, in everyday sharing situations. They are completely free of charge.

To become a member, just visit our signup page. Your membership will be activated instantly and you can begin ordering your free Gospels.

Members can order a variety of Gospels every month, especially designed to fit typical settings you might find yourself in. Just offer the Gospel as a free gift. You'll be delighted at the response, with most people joyfully accepting your precious gift. We recommend ordering 30 per month and giving away one each day. Orders may be placed once every 30 days.
As a member, you'll also have special privileges on this site, including the ability to post stories and prayer requests, take part in our innovative Evangelism Boot Camp training, and to view the impact of your personal sharing ministry.

Click Below To Sign Up

If You sign us, use this membership referal code: 244210

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Passing Of Greatness

Our Hearts go out to My Pastor, Kelly, Pastor of Foothills Victory Church.

We are deeply saddened as his mother passed away today.

Father be with Kelly & his family, as they face the troubles ahead. Be in there hearts Father, providing comfort & love. Heal there souls Father & nourish there minds. Be with his mother as she makes her journy to heaven, may she watch over us always. Father bring peace to there minds & there mourning hearts. In Jesus name i pray Amen

Please Post Your Prayers As Comments

Not Religion, Then What ?

If it's not about religion, what is it?You ask a good question. I grew up in the “church” and it was all rules and regulations. It wasn’t until I went to college that I found out that God doesn’t want “religion”; He wants a relationship. He’s made this relationship possible by sending us His Son. (See John 3:16.) When Jesus died on the cross He paid the price for all the wrong things I’ve ever done (and there’s been a lot).Through Jesus I’ve been forgiven for all those things and I can now relate to God as my Father. Are there rules? Of course--every relationship has rules. But I found that the focus is on a living, growing relationship with God--not the rules. And, wow, what an adventure it has been.Are you interested in knowing about Jesus? Click here to learn about this awesome relationship that can be yours.

(See Romans 5:8, Romans 8:33-34, 1 Corinthians 15:1-58, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 3:1-3)